basanta khanal

30 years,

4 years ago

IndraJatraFestival in Nepal |Celebrating Kathmandu

IndraJatra festival in Nepal started in Nepal to commemorate then establishment of Kingdom of ancient Kathmandu. The festival in its early years was called yenya: (pronounced Yenyā) and it marked a season of joy for the old Kathmandu dwellers. The natives here celebrate the festival with equal glamour and clad like the early yesteryears of their ancestor. Melancholy of musical instruments, noise of people moving in crowds, masked dancers dancing to rhythm of musical instruments, chariot procession, hymns of Buddhist people remembering the dead, and butter lamp laid in middle of the streets are spectacles of IndraJatra celebration.

Start of the Jatra

IndraJatra in Nepal is celebrated across many newar towns across the country. The festval is also celebratedn in migratory newarsettlements outside of Nepal. The festival begins way early when Manandhar families of Kathmandu travel to Yosin Gun (Yoshin forest) to select a wooden pole for starting the jatra.  The Yoshin is brought to Kathmandu with sheer power of the people dragging it 30 kilometers from Nala Bhaktapur to the Basantapur Durbar Square in Kathmandu. The Jatra officially kicks off after a flag touted the magical cloak of indra is hoisted up on the wooden pole or Yoshin. The flag procession or YashinThanegu ceremony is performed on Yalanthwoekadashi of NepalkSambat calendar and BhadraShuklapaksha in Bikram SambatCalandar.  The date of festival usually falls in late august to early September.

Folk lore about Indrajatra in Nepal

The newar towns of Kathmandu have long held the belief that the festival started with capture of Hindu god Indra, who is touted as King of all gods and heaven. According to folk lore passed down to jatra organizers and local newars of old Kathmandu area, Lord Indra came to Kathmandu( best place to travel in nepal) to loot night jasmine or parijaat flower for her mother’s daily worship and prayers. In order to bring, the flowers to his mother, he used a mystical cloak to disguise himself as a human and came to a garden, where he was caught in the act and tied up. Upon failure of his return, his mother went around in search of her son throughout the city to find him caged and tied. The goddess Dagin:, briefed them all the events and asked people of the valley to release him with a promise to provide ample amount of dew for winter crop plantation. Goddess also promised to take the souls of deceased into heaven along with her in return for releasing lord of rain, Indra.

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